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Business and other disputes are inevitable. Many disputes can be resolved through negotiation directly between the parties. In some cases, the parties secure the help of a third-party neutral, referred to as a mediator. Other times, litigation is required.
The Chapar Firm has extensive experience in assisting our clients to resolve disputes without the need for litigation. We analyze the facts, apply the law and stand firm against our opponents.
We represent plaintiffs and defendants. Whomever we represent and regardless of the forum, our function is to perform as vigorous but thoughtful advocates. Mr. Chapar is licensed to argue cases in the State and Superior Courts of various metro Atlanta counties and the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. In addition, he had extensive experience with appeals in the Georgia Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court of Georgia and the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. We have experience with lengthy and complicated arbitration and mediation proceedings.
The Firm has litigated questions of “first impression.” Those questions have been diverse, including the nature of First Amendment protections given to persons who post anonymously on the Internet, questions involving federal procedural law and statute statutory interpretation, the Fair Debt Collection Act, and the nature of certain lien rights of the owners of personal property. Business disputes can take many forms and arise out of many facts. The Chapar Firm is prepared to litigate nearly every manner of dispute including following:
BUSINESS TORTS – A “tort” is a violation of a duty imposed by law rather than by private agreements like contracts. For example, the theft of trade secrets is a type of business tort. The law protects business property that meet the legal definition of a trade secret, even without prior agreements.
BREACH OF CONTRACT – Contracts are private agreements, which if valid, may be enforced in courts of law. Employment Law – This area of law deals with the rights and obligations between employers and employees. This includes federal laws protecting the civil rights of employees to be free of unlawful discrimination, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Employment law also addresses private agreements between employers and employees, such as NON-SOLICITATION/NON-COMPETITION AGREEMENTS.
TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT – a trade or service mark is a name or symbol that identifies the source of a product or service. When a person wrongfully uses the trade or service mark of another, the Firm is prepared to enforce the owners’ rights.
DOMAIN NAME DISPUTES – The Firm offers our clients assistance in many areas of Internet law, including circumstances in which there is a conflict over the use of an internet domain name. We handle these, and many other types of cases.